

Bíróné Dr. Dines Csilla


Bíróné Dr. Dines Csilla
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Service-Oriented Community

  • Energy modernization utilizing green energy.
  • Installation of community Wi-Fi and a surveillance camera system.
  • Provision of an electric village bus and establishment of a charging station.
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Infrastructure Development

  • Review of urban drainage and sewage systems.
  • Assessment of existing infrastructure developments.
  • Replacement of missing infrastructure elements.
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Community Building

  • Development of community and recreational spaces.
  • Introduction of tours on the Szamos River.
  • Renovation of municipal properties and their operation as guesthouses.

My goal is to contribute to the development of Szamossályi and improve the quality of life for its residents with our plans for the village. The following planned projects aim to strengthen Szamossályi’s community and infrastructure:

Modernization of public services and transport infrastructure

Renovation of the ditch system to ensure effective water drainage. Implementation of modern and environmentally friendly wastewater management. Road and sidewalk renovations.

Application of sustainable energy sources and introduction of eco-friendly solutions

Ensuring sustainable energy production and eco-friendly solutions. Replacement of the village bus with an electric minibus.

Expansion of tourism opportunities and development of community spaces

Creation of a community space, accommodations, a traditional oven, and barbecue area in the village center. Acquisition of equipment necessary for tours on the Szamos River.

Renovation and modernization of community and public service buildings

The renovation, painting, and installation of renewable energy sources for the retirement home, kindergarten, and mayor’s office to ensure long-term sustainability and comfort. Cemetery development: new parking spaces, fencing, and paths for visitors' convenience. Establishment of clean and aesthetic bus stops.

How will Szamossályi, and thus the community, gain more money?

The renovation of municipal properties and their operation as guesthouses will create new opportunities for local tourism.

The creation of a tobacco shop and general store will generate significant revenue growth for the village.

These steps will help make Szamossályi a more attractive, comfortable, and sustainable place to live.

The Solution Movement presents: <b>BILLIONAIRE SOLUTION!</b>

The Solution Movement presents: BILLIONAIRE SOLUTION!

The Solution Movement's initiative to create a MODEL SETTLEMENT in Hungary may be the most exciting and ambitious endeavor to date. This program is not just an ordinary development and investment project, it is a real test of realizing a hopeful vision. The aim is to establish a settlement where environmental protection, innovation, and community life become a true experience for everyone.

The Party has set out to create communities where nature and modern technology coexist harmoniously, where families can feel safe, and where every moment of life is about sustainability and happiness.

Safe and clean

Safe and clean environment

public services

Excellent public services

Family-friendly and

Family-friendly and innovative

Carbon-neutral and

Carbon-neutral and sustainable

Green and

Green and self-sufficient
