Gattyán György

Founder greeting

Money for prosperity and financial security is a defining element of our lives. In 21st century Hungary, almost all of the social problems that are straining us can be traced back to the simple question: how and from what source can the individual and the challenges facing the given community be effectively solved, i.e. how will money be made? How does it become money for social inclusion, how does it become money for the development of businesses, how does it become money to cover an individual's welfare expenses? The line can continue almost indefinitely, and of course it is not indifferent what we really need to pay attention to, what priorities we spend the common wealth on. Who decides and who controls it.

As the founder of the Solution Movement, I believe that you, the voters, have the real, tangible solution. The task of the political actor is only to provide a space for cooperation and a common thinking surface, so that the experience and the knowledge already acquired can be used for the benefit of the community.

I am convinced that the aim of the service can only be to restore faith, to create public social trust in order to create a modern Hungary. For this crucial, trying task, the Solution Movement offers an entirely new, modern, European, fresh thinking, an effective platform, a dynamic political community, fast and effective approaches.

There is no shame in learning from others, I believe that together, with your help, we can build an advanced, modern Hungary that appreciates its achievements, of which their children and grandchildren will be proud! They will be proud that their parents made the right decision at the right time, choosing the necessary solutions! We need sound political decisions, a practical political program instead of ideological battles. We consider digitalisation to be especially important in building an active, balanced Hungary that is proud of its Europeanness. We have to take stock of many things together, stay with us, trust each other, let’s build a modern, lovable country together!


György Gattyán

Founder, The Solution Movement


Dr. Dániel Bogó
I was born and raised in Budaörs. I received my legal degree from Pázmány Péter Catholic University, and I have been practicing law ever since. I am continuously involved in advocacy as part of my job. I seek out solutions and answers to legal challenges while keeping my clients' requirements and interests in mind. Family law has been one of my key areas of competence because it has always played a significant and crucial role in my life. For me, the Solution Movement is also a large family where there is unwavering trust and solidarity. Since I firmly believe that only this movement is capable of bringing about a genuine attitude shift in Hungary, I was delighted to accept the position of President. This, in my opinion, is what the nation needs most right now. We must leave bad and old habits behind us. Because a country and a nation can only succeed by working together, listening to each other, and on a professional basis, we need to put the welfare, livelihood, and cohesion of the people first. Heart, brains, courage!


György Gattyán
There is a solution for everything! I really believe that. It doesn’t matter if you’re a mason’s assistant, a car dealer, or a billionaire entrepreneur building an international company. I have experienced all of them, I am proud of all of them, because whatever stage of my life I look at, there was an opportunity and a solution in each. As Founder of the Movement, I now offer an alternative to my compatriots who want to make Hungary rise and change! I think that instead of walking in circles for 30 years, we need to reunite the Hungarians and lift up the nation! As a moderate, liberal organization, the Solution Movement undertakes to deal with the past and finally focus on real problems and solutions! If you want to live in a more lovable, economically stable, financially independent country where the focus is on the individual and not politics, join me, be part of the change today!
Dr. Viktor Huszár
I am an economist, security and defense policy expert, a member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. As a PhD researcher at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the Ludovika University of Public Service, my research areas include computer vision, the applications of artificial intelligence, and the use of distributed networks/blockchain technology. As an international speaker, I have participated in numerous domestic and international conferences. I am also proud to be the co-founder of the sport of teqball. Together with my colleagues, we have won the Red Dot Design Award twice, the IF Design Award, the Hungarian Design and Design Management Special Award. Additionally, we received the Innovation Award from the National Intellectual Property Office in 2018, and the Industrial Innovation Award from the National Research, Development, and Innovation Office in 2020. As the Co-founder of the Solution Movement, my area of expertise is digitalization. I believe that Hungary will once again become a modern, innovative, and economically stable and financially independent nation in Europe, but even in the whole world, proud of its success. Achieving this requires a digital paradigm shift in Hungary!